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Toys for Toys is back at Balance Hair Spa

Support our community’s Toys for Tots campaign by donating a new, unwrapped toy at Balance Hair Spa. Help us fill our donation box!

Visit Chester County's local Toys for Tots website or donate online.

Not sure which toys are needed?  Here's a few tips from our local Toys for Tots Coordinator:

0 to 2 Years Infant Group
Usually have a large abundance of toys donated for this group.

3 to 7 Years Group
Always have a large abundance of toys donated, as this is the easiest group to buy for.

8 to 12 Years Group
One of our tougher groups during the collection times. This age group may be harder to buy for.  Games, arts and crafts, books and sports balls are all good for this group.

12 to 14 Years Group
This group can be extremely tough to buy things for, so donations here may be needed most. Though age-appropriate toys are expensive or tough to find, things like arts and crafts, watches, bath sets, cosmetics, books and backpacks are good things for this group.

Hurry in! Toy drop-off ends on Friday, December 10, 2010.

Bringing the Joy of Christmas and delivering a message of Hope to needy children.